One of the things I love to do and would do it all day, if I could, is Gardening.  I love every aspect of it:  Getting my hands in the soil, pulling weeds, raking leaves, pruning and planting and of course watching everything grow.

Since I just got settled in a new place, with 2 1/2 acres, I missed the planting season and am mostly cleaning the yard up, starting my compost and trying to figure out what will grow in my sandy soil.  I don’t have many trees (I counted 9) so there isn’t much shade on my property.

Naturally, that doesn’t stop me from buying and growing in pots, so for now that is exactly what I’m doing.

I have an orchid tree that is doing really well, I don’t believe I’ll have flowers this year but I should next year.  They will be purple blossoms so I’m really looking forward to that.  I have an orange rose that has already given one bloom and has lots of buds, so it will be a good year for that plant.

Then I made several new purchases a few weeks ago.  Some are doing great, some not so great.

The lilies are doing great and have blossoms and buds, the Mexican Petunia are flowering (although are always needing water in the full sun of my yard), I have 2 lemon trees that are no more than a foot tall with many lemons growing already, a red oleander which is gorgeous in full bloom, a blue plumbago which was flowering and is starting to look like it needs help.

I got 2 Jasmine vines that were pretty tall already and it appears the sun is taking a toll on them, although there are some green vines, so maybe a bit of pruning will help.  Then the bottle brush trees are really confusing me as they are suppose to be drought tolerant.  I got 3 and 2 are brown and the 3rd is partly brown.  I’m hoping they’ll turn around.

I’ll try and take some pictures of my garden or should I say my potted gardens soon and get them up.

Maybe someone out there will have some advice to share?