It just dawned on me that while I have been writing away here, I have never introduced myself. Hello, my name is cheryl lynn and I am from the house of Kissell. Born in Minneapolis, MN and left for California at 16.
Currently I’m on Florida and about an hour north of Tampa in a city called Floral City. This is horse country and I’m on 2 1/2 acres all fenced, no horses yet. My buddy, Kratos, my german shepherd pup, really loves that as he is able to get more than enough exercise running the fence with his buddy, Sunshine, who lives next door. He also has Lady, a husky, who visits quite often as it was love, for both of them, at first sight.
I started online back in 1993, when I was living in San Mateo, California on a commodore 64. Anyone remember those? Those were the good ‘ole days of IRC and less than a million websites. As of June 2011, there are approx 346,004,403 websites, pretty astounding, eh?
My first ISP was prodigy, then came aol (until I learned it was an online community and not the real internet), so I moved over to earthlink when a young 19 year old kid named Sky, owned it. He has since sold it and is somewhere spending his billions
I’m still on earthlink and aol is still the highest charging ISP online.
Back in those early days, interactive email lists were a BIG thing and so I learned a lot. In fact, ebay and amazon were case studies on some of those lists because they were “new guys” on the scene. I met some very cool people from those lists. One of my favorites to this day is Paul Myers who is still publishing his newsletter, TalkBiz.
The internet has changed a LOT since those days and I am constantly learning and keeping up. I hope to be able to share some of my insights on this blog. If you have any burning questions…feel free to post it in the comments section and you’ll get a response.